Earlier today, I came across a strange issue that arises when advertising a program to Windows Server 2008 using SCCM. The program advertisement appeared correctly on my Windows 2003 servers remote desktop console/admin session, but the same could not said when logging on to my Windows 2008 servers. Instead, all I saw was as a message stating “No programs are available to run from a Terminal Services session”.
I logged off, launched the remote desktop admin session with “mstsc.exe /admin”, but still the problem existed. Finally, after a small amount of troubleshooting I discovered why this issue was occurring. In Windows 2008, unlike Windows 2003, there is no longer a session id 0. Instead, for SCCM at least, the first user that logs on will be the only user able to see what is available via Run Advertised Programs or the “Install a program from the network” section in Add/Remove programs. On both servers that I was logging in to, there were already Remote Desktop sessions as seen below:
In the screencap above, I’m the 2nd user with ID 3. Notice there is no ID 0 as you would see when logging on to a Windows 2003 Server with “mstsc.exe /admin”. As soon as I had the user with Session ID 1 log off, here’s what I saw.
Notice that I still have the same session ID, but now the advertised program that I expected appears.
For a better understanding of why Session 0 is no longer needed in Windows 2008 take a look at KB947723.